Formula for Business Success? 1-Page Marketing Plan Book Review, By Allan Dib

Howdey, Entrepreneurs, 3rd book in a row about Marketing. This one in particular is about creating a Marketing Plan or strategy for your business. Can it really be as simple as the headline states? A one-page Marketing Plan?
Get a hold on this info that is promised by the author to give you a great advantage above your competitors, and develop a Strategy, by which to act in your business.
Keep reading to have a taste of this book and to see what’s the reason for the fuss around it.

1 page marketing plan book cover
1 page marketing plan book author in a suit smiling leaning on a window

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

The 1-Page Marketing Plan: Table of Contents (Audiobook)

Book Name, Writer Name Narrator Name ( 0:17 )
Acknowledgements ( 04:22 )
Introduction ( 45:10 )
Act 1 – The Before Phase 
Chapter 1 – Selecting your target market ( 20:49 )
Chapter 2: Crafting your message ( 01:03:15 )
Chapter 3: Reaching prospects with advertising media ( 38:24 )
Act 2 – The During Phase
Chapter 4: Capturing leads ( 12:51 )
Chapter 5: Nurturing leads ( 34:51 )
Chapter 6: Sales Conversion ( 41:18 )
Act 3 – The After Phase
Chapter 7: Delivering a world class experience ( 44:17 )
Chapter 8: Increasing customer lifetime value ( 42:07 )
Chapter 9: Orchestrating and stimulating referrals ( 25:15 )
Conclusion: A bird’s eye view on what we’ve covered ( 17:36 )
About author ( 01:15 )
Copyrights etc. ( 00:26 )

Total book length: 6h 32m

Attributes of the Book

Book Length: 6h 32m.
Subject: Marketing
Author: Allan Dib – He is a serial entrepreneur, in one case he has grown a telemarketing business in such a manner that he was mentioned in the 100 fastest growing companies of Australia when facing multi -national multi-million dollar company competition.
He is a #1 bestselling author – His book was rated #1 bestseller in the small and medium business marketing category on amazon and is used as a textbook at certain universities.
He is also a Marketer and does Marketing coaching.


Introduction - Why have a marketing plan?

Why do we even need a marketing plan? Is it not enough to just have a great product? The answer is: Nobody will know your product is great until they purchase, and in order to have purchases, you need great marketing.

You can count on “chance” or you can plan it through with a marketing plan, like a true Entrepreneur who doesn’t leave anything to chance. The graveyard is full of businesses that had “Great Products”. 
-Allan’s words


Remember, no one knows how good your products or services are until after the sale. Before they buy, they only know how good your marketing is. Put simply the best marketer wins every time. If you’re serious about business success then now’s the time to take decisive action. It’s time to decide to become a great marketer and transform yourself from a business owner to a marketer who owns a business.

One Idea from each ninth of the Marketing Plan

(The marketing plan page is split into nine parts 3 phases and 3 parts in each)

Phase one - The Before Phase

The first phase of the marketing plan begins when you deal with prospects, meaning, they have no Idea you exist.
During this phase you decide on a target market, make an offer and get the offer to them through media.
This phase ends when the prospect have shown interest in your products or services, thus becoming a lead. 

Chapter 1: Selecting your target market.

Don’t go for everyone! Select a certain targeted audience and have their avatar in painstaking detail, starting from Their Gender and Age, and finishing with their hobbies and problems in life.

Chapter 2: Crafting your message
Animated boy walking and speaking with a loudspeaker

One of the things you should have in your offer is USP – Unique Selling Point, that would differentiate you from your competitors, it means that if your logo was to be taken away from your product, people would still be able to Identify you. 
More than one USP in your marketing plan is welcome, as long as you provide something your competitors don’t, and your customers like it.

My personal USP

Apparently I already have one USP and that is the fact that I rate books on a 1-100 scale, (an idea from the YouTube Marketing book), it’s idea is to help me be as objective as possible. Though it should be something you would “cross the road for” from another competitor figuratively speaking… So my question to you is – Would you? I would appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments below the post, if my ratings had helped in the last book reviews.

Chapter 3: Reaching Prospects with Advertising Media
Many envelopes flying towards computer and a a phone (Map of the world on the background)

Don’t have single points of failure. 
Don’t ever rely on 1 Advertising source / 1 product / 1 supplier / 1 of anything in your marketing plan.
As if you do that your whole business may collapse as the result of random occurrences. An example of such occurences is the Google Ads price changes, if you were to rely on Google ads as your only type of advertising, it could make your business unprofitable.

Phase Two - The During Phase

In the second phase of the marketing plan you deal with leads.
During this phase you educate them and nurture them, eventually bringing them to the first sale, at which point they become your customers.

Chapter 4 - Capturing leads

This would be a good moment to offer you a PDF with 4 books that rocked my world 🙂 You’ll understand why in a moment.

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    In this example, I offer you an “ethical bribe”, in return for your subscription, which connects to the Idea of Hunting vs. Farming that is presented in this chapter.
    This comparison explains that it’s a lot smarter to build your marketing plan at the foundation of giving value (Farming) – In contrast to trying to make cold sales right off of an ad (Hunting).
    With capturing leads, the prospects get the opportunity to know you, and receive value before they purchase anything.
    If they find what you communicate valuable, eventually trust will be built, and even if they weren’t ready to purchase anything at the moment, they might do so later.

    “Rather than trying to sell directly from your ad, simply invite prospects to put their hand up and indicate interest.”

    Chapter 5 Nurturing Leads

    This chapter of the marketing plan concentrates on what you’re going to communicate after someone subscribed in contrast to the previous chapter which concentrates on how you’re going to collect leads.
    It gives examples on ways to do it, a few of which are providing a Free Report, just as I have in the form in chapter 4 or newsletters providing valuable information from the industry, trending topics and more.

    Chapter 6 - Sales Conversion
    golden dollar sign

    Tell your customers about the trouble you go to. When they know how you produce your products, they will appreciate it more ( If it’s of quality).
    So I Guess that would be a good time to tell you what I do in order to produce a book review 🙂 

    My book review producing process 😀

    I first listen to a book very carefully with stopping it every certain period of time ( No more than 30 minutes, usually a lot less, sometimes every few seconds ) and I write very detailed Notes. (In this specific case I also listened to it twice) Then I use the notes from the summary to aid me in writing the blog post.
    After that I write a script for a YouTube video, record it, and edit it.
    I do usually devote to this process approximately 7 hours a day or more (With breaks it’s 9), as I’m currently unemployed.

    Did it work?

    So if you have received value in this marketing plan review and wish to receive valuable content from me that is meant to save you time and money, you are more than welcome to subscribe :).

    Phase 3 - The after phase

    In the third phase of the marketing plan you are dealing with customers, during this phase you do your best to provide the best service and quality of products in order to have them return for more, and bring their friends with them. Essentially this phase is infinite if done correctly, and may last a lifetime. 

    Chapter 7 - Delivering a world class experience

    No marketing plan could be complete without an exit point to financial freedom can it? Systems are key to your business success – First of all, one day they will allow you to just stand up and leave your business and get the biggest payday of your life.
    Second of all, they will allow you to make sure that the experience your customers receive is constant, even in the case that an employee must be replaced. That’s what happens at McDonalds! 
    Guys, do yourself a favor and get this book here(UK) or here(US) and start working on your marketing plan, this is just a MUST read/listen!

    Chapter 8 - Increasing Customer Lifetime value

    Customer Lifetime value – The average amount of money a customer spends with you until he leaves or, Ideally, until he dies 🙂
    One of the tactics to Raise this metric is to include Ascension in your Marketing Plan, meaning – an upgraded product. For example: For car dealerships – It’s a newer car, and for phone companies – it’s a newer phone!

    “Lifetime value and customer acquisition cost are two of the key numbers you need to know to measure marketing effectiveness.”

    Chapter 9 - Orchestrating and stimulating referrals

    This process really does not have to be passive or given to luck, you could actually influence it and include building up referrals on purpose into your marketing plan! Allan gives a few Ideas to help make this process something a lot more controllable!

    My General experience

    The 1-Page Marketing Plan In comparison to the latest two books I have reviewed on the subject of marketing –
    YouTube Marketing and Social Media (Google) Marketing is really outstanding.
    Here are the factors that made me feel that way.



    The Narration is Excellent. Not monotonous, no mistakes in pronounciation or mistakes being fixed during the recording. No gulping, and well, I have not one complaint for the narration.


    Almost every principle is explained with easy to understand and memorable examples. Which are sometimes amusing and evoke feelings – Which makes it very pleasant to listen to!


    While I have been aware of some of the content that Allan explains, there was also a lot of info I had no Idea about.
    Though even the things I was aware of were usually brought from a new perspective throughout the book. While usually I write a few takeaways at the ending of the book, this one will most probably have more than a few.

    Headline and Content Separation

    Every chapter has a main understandable Idea, which is fortified by images on the website of the author, and then by an implication in the 1 page of the marketing plan that is provided, making it very clear.

    Drive to Implement

    He also makes you very uncomfortable with not applying those techniques, and pressures your ego to apply them! Also the simple design of the marketing plan page is very helpful!


    Just as other knowledge books, no plot is to be expected. Despite that, Allan even somehow made it into sort of a plot, by creating a beginning, middle and ending phase, therefor creating sort of a narrative of the development of a customer .

    5 Takeaways and Implementations

    I don’t even know where to start, there are so many 
    but I’ll write a few of the key ones.

    1.Niche down, know your market.

    I will concentrate on serving entrepreneurs more, and will add it to my branding or about sections across media.

    2. Have a few offers in order to avoid leaving money on the table (There are customers who want more)

    I’ll start to also give personal book consulting services to help you choose your next amazing books and make an offer accordingly.

    3. Main concentration on leads

    Rather than affiliate marketing (Though both are still applicable)

    4. Have a few advertising mediums

    As soon as I’m able to get my ROI (Return On Investment) positive on Google Ads, I’ll use Facebook Ads, not to be dependent only on one means of advertising.

    5. Orchestrate Referrals

    Orchestrate a referral request upon successful consultation or other successful interaction.


    It might be because of the contrast principle ( In comparison to the last two ), but I feel like the book is just amazing, and I have no complaints about it on neither parameter.

    Though it contains some principles that are universal and I’ve previously been aware of, the 1-Page Marketing Plan makes them a lot more clear and easier to Implement.
    Seems like it might just be the improvement I needed for the blog 🙂

    “However, the 1-Page Marketing Plan is an implementation breakthrough. It’s designed to dramatically simplify the understanding of direct response marketing and speed up its implementation in your business. Remember, it’s all about implementation.”

    100 Scale Rating

    Narration – 20/20 Examples – 20/20 Content – 20/20 Headlines and Content Separation – 20/20 Plot – 20/20 (Built step by step, though marketing books usually have no plot!) This book is Amazing, I’m really scared of giving it that score, but I haven’t been able (yet) to find any flaws, and I have listened to it two times, with a great amount of pauses and rewinds! Final Rating 100/100 Thanks for reading! Let me know if I was helpful by pressing the green or red button, or better yet, a comment 🙂

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