6 Biographies – J.R.MacGregor Review

Would you like to know more about the richest men on the planet? This is what this 6 Biographies – J.R.MacGregor Review is for. The book includes the key points of the lives of: Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jack Ma and Richard Branson. Who are best known for Amazon, SpaceX, Apple, Microsoft, Alibaba and Virgin, accordingly.

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Post content
-So how did I get to this book?
Looking for Bill Gates biography book
That’s what I found
Nice overview of those men to get an idea about them
Making prompt decisions
Jeff Bezos
Clarity of vision
Bill Gates
Author’s unique point of view
Parent’s Influence
Jack Ma
Reject of society’s norms
-My experience
Looking for improvement – indeed found some 🙂
Wider perspective
Lacks a bit of pepper
Everything is possible
Let’s be grateful
-Acquiring options
-Youtube Review

6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review - Amazon Icon
6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review SpaceX Icon
6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review Apple Icon on a mac computer
Microsoft Icon Logo on white background
Alibaba Icon Logo
Virgin Logo


This is a book in which the biographies of those 6 giants are summarized, and key moments are taken out of each biography to form a few certain traits. Each biography is completely different, yet there are some characteristics that repeat themselves.

The Idea is to allow you to observe their characteristics and try and learn from them.

It is not a book with a chronological order, rather a book that takes every characteristic or influence point in their life and breaks it down.

Audiobook Length: 11h 19m

So how did i get to this book?

Looking for Bill Gates biography book.

As you already might know I have recently listened to 2 Biography books of Phil Knight and David Goggins,  I liked the idea behind it, and felt that I still need to learn more from great people. So I tried to look for a book of Bill Gates, but was unable to find one on Audible that he had written himself. The best thing I found that appeared interesting was this book, and it also is a 6 in 1 bundle, which creates sort of a “pay for one – buy six” feeling 🙂


That's what I found

Although I did dwell a bit on whether I should get a Book that is written by someone who writes about the people, rather than a book written as an autobiography ( biography written by one-self ).

After a bit of looking, I eventually decided that I’d prefer not to continue my search, even if I just didn’t see the great book about Gates I was looking for, and it existed in the audible library.

This book appeared good enough for me.

Nice overview of those men to get an idea about them.

I realized that it could be a good start in the research of those people, and then I could elaborate more on each if I wished to. Just as Forks over Knives by Gene Stone served as a good base for beginning to research about a whole food plant based diet. Plus those men all seemed very interesting, maybe except for Branson Who’s achievements I wasn’t aware of.

Making prompt decisions

Also, as always I have the wish to make prompt decisions, and I get a book every few days, so all that helped me decide, plus reviews that were pretty good 🙂

If you’re struggling on making decisions with book-picking

Check out my post How to Choose Books Correctfully.

So don’t be indecisive, hop on to the audible free trial and get the book for free 🙂
Or on Amazon.
To get bonus PDF, read the bottom of the post.

So, let’s hop into a few short tastes of the book. And, briefly review 3 out of 6 Biographies by J.R.MacGregor.

1/6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review Jeff Bezos - Amazon

The richest person in the world as of today and in history. Passing even John D. RockeFeller and Andrew Carnegie. The creator of Amazon.

As I wrote earlier, the author takes parts of the lives of the greats and analyzes them.

Clarity of vision

So for example he takes the fact that Bezos started with selling books. He analyzes Bezos’s Big vision and long term vision. And explains how Bezos knew all along that he wanted to make a place where everything will be sold to everyone, it was not just an idea that developed after he opened a book store.


Another example is that Jeff had to go around for a year gathering the initial investments for his company and so the author explains that the characteristic of incredible persistence is present in this case and shows other similar cases of persistence.

2/6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review Bill Gates - Microsoft

Creator of Microsoft and responsible for getting Windows operating system to the wide public.
Been richest man in the world from 1995- 2017 except for 4 years out of those, as said in wikipedia.



Author's unique point of view

According to the author, he tries to break down the life of Bill Gates in a way that will be special, because there is also a lot of analyzing done about him across the web, he tries to give us unique content. In a way that even if we’ve read about him we will get new info from another perspective.

Parents influence

One of the cornerstones of Bill’s personality, on which he chooses to concentrate is his parents, of course, parents are a part of the personalities of each one of the greats. But, here he makes an emphasis on them describing the history of each one of them as there is a lot to describe, his both parents were very strong people with high achievements. Starting from his childhood, it can be seen by his behavior that he acted in ways that were imitating his lawyer father and His philantropist mother.

3/6 Biographies - J.R.MacGregor Review Jack Ma - Alibaba

The creator of Alibaba, Aliexpress, Alipay and others. 
The person who’s company’s public offering had the highest worth per stock on  in the history of the New York stock exchange. Held the position of richest man in china for some time, and one that has brought prosperity to China and Other countries by facilitating international trade.

Reject of society's norms

Jack Ma was born Ma Yun. He was a very ordinary child from an ordinary family.
He got turned down from Harward 10 times and was the only one out of 250 employees who was refused to be employed by KFC. 


As a child when he first met tourists who came to his hometown he got fascinated and offered them a barter. He would show them the city, and they will help him learn English, as he knew he would like to be a person of the big world one day. 

My experience

Looking for Improvement - Indeed found some 🙂

Picking this book I was hoping to find ways I could Improve myself, by learning from those greats. At first I thought just of Gates, but when I saw this book I of course got interested in all the others as well, who are all men of great achievement!

As I listened to the biographies of all 6 people I was able to see a few characteristics that are shared by most of them which I will now be aware of. And I will try to implement in my own life. In the book he says that reading about those men we could find characteristics that we would like to try and it is like trying a new shoe on, and if it is not comfortable you may try another one, as there is no single way for success. I am already trying one out 🙂

Wider perspective

The book describes a variety of lives instead of one and so allows a wider perspective.
The writer chews the biographies down for you and writes on each characteristic, taking bits of the people’s lives that are related to characteristic.

Lacks a bit of pepper

On the other hand it explains in a basic way and does not elaborate like in other full books like Shoe Dog and Cant Hurt Me.
This book does lack a bit of pepper like Goggins’s and Knight’s because it is observed by second person, but it is good as a book to get a general Idea about those men, and learn some characteristics that are common to all of them

Everything is possible!


Also the book served as another inspiration burst for me. Being surrounded by the stories of people of that sort In my belief, reminds you that your goals are most definitely achievable if theirs have been achieved. But that, of course, is an effect of every awesome person’s biography.


Let's be grateful

Reading biographies always reminds me of how grateful I should be. The fact that all those things around us: Cars, Planes, Computers, Internet, High buildings, Electricity, Phones and you name it, were all created by humans, out of flesh and blood, like you and me is first a sign for how much you and me can achieve and second of all a reminder that none of those things always existed and that we should be grateful for having them.

Let’s value those people from the depths of our hearts, and let’s make our effort to leave our best impact on society our constant guiding value, champions. 🙂


I believe that this book is good for a general view of the lives of those giants. But, it is in no way a detailed story of them by themselves. Rather a book that is told by another person, who indeed seems like did a profound research. Nonetheless it´s another person. And therefor, it is not so much a narrative book as a characteristic summarization. 

Still there is an advantage to the fact that it is a book which is viewed by a 2nd person. And, that is: the author chews down the lessons that we can learn from the giants in his own words. Therefor, making it easier for us to learn some of the key moments of their lives, without having to read the whole story.

No, I don't ever give up, I'd have to be dead or completely incapacitated.

Acquiring options

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