7 Steps to Freedom II – Step 1 – Set Goals and Objectives (3)

A short 8-step procedure to attain your objectives (Chapter 3).

7 Steps To Freedom Bookcover
Benjamin D. Suarez Profile Image

1. Define the objective with great detail in your mind

if it’s a house see it in great detail.

2. Document this image

Costs, location, sketch and the more details the better (add any other detail)

3. Lay the master plan to obtain it

how you’ll get the money, how you’ll look for the house etc.

4. Start doing something instantly

don’t wait for things to be perfect.

5. Believe in yourself and in "Higher powers"

to help you. Note: “Help” you, not do everything for you.

6. Continuously visualize your dream life as you go through the process

(Imagine yourself walking through the frame of the house, moving in, living in it)

7. Minimize conversation with other people regarding your goals

95% of people are naysayers who have trouble seeing what doesn’t exist.

8. Push the final inch to obtain your objective

Countless entrepreneurs stop because they’re too afraid of success and the change it may bring in themselves, so they sabotage themselves. Prepare yourself and be ready to cross the finish line.

What You Need To Know About These 8 Steps

Higher Forces Can Help

If you use these 8 steps and keep the objectives in mind long enough seemingly “miraculous” things will happen on your way to your goal.

Or so Ben believes, because they were usually present in various reports to him and when he read about this phenomenon.

Note: It will not happen instantly, for some reason it has an “incubation period”.

Best Selling Authors Support These Claims

At first glance this may sound like mumbo-jumbo, but various books talk about this phenomenon under different names. “The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches”, “Think and Grow Rich”, “As a Man Thinketh” to name a few.
Try this out and keep your faith up and running, if you hold it long enough, the obstacles will fold in front of you,
says the gist of these authors’ thoughts as far as I understand them.

"When spirit rises and commands The gods are ready to obey"

James Allen, As A Man Thinketh Tweet

Definition of Goals and Objectives

According to Ben:
Objectives – Long term, like becoming a millionaire in 4 years.
Goals – Checkpoints on the way to objectives, like 250,000$ the 1st year, 500,000$ the 2nd etc.

3 Types of Suggested Objectives

Now taking that in mind, Ben suggests we set the following 3 types of objectives:

1. Monetary – As shown above (Millionaire in 4 years)
2. Non-monetary – E.G. Run for political office
3. Non-monetary, short-term “immediate carrot” – E.G. Month-long caravan trip

I suppose that each should go with a set of goals, because of the context.

Final Gift

If you are into actually applying what you learn and not just reading about it, below is a FILLABLE workbook to help you apply the 8 steps. I’d love to hear how it went at yan@improvementor.blog.
See you there 🙂

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