Youtube Book (YouTube Secrets) 7 C’s for Youtube Success

The YouTube Book – YouTube Secrets by the successful YouTubers Sean Cannell and Benji Travis is a guide for YouTube Success. In this post you’ll find a summary of the main framework of the book – “The 7 C’s”.

Sean Cannell image
YouTube Book - YouTube Secrets

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Book Table of Contents

Opening Credits (00:00:30)
Dedication (00:00:52)
Introdcution (00:16:15)

Part One: Strategy: The Seven C’s (00:00:49)
Chapter 1: Courage: Ignite Passion and Transcend Fear (00:12:08)
Chapter 2: Clarity: Start With The End In Mind (00:16:44)
Chapter 3: Channel: Building a Home for Your Content (00:08:09)
Chapter 4: Content: Create Lasting Impact (00:09:25)
Chapter 5: Community: Engage with Your Audience (00:14:02)
Chapter 6: Cash: Monetize Your Content (00:27:47)
Chapter 7: Consistency: Hustle Your Way to Success (00:13:02)

Part Two: Tactics (00:00:42)
Chapter 8: Social Media: Leverage Your Message and Brand (00:15:10)
Chapter 9: Discoverability: Attract Your Ideal Audience on Autopilot (00:13:29)
Chapter 10: Collaboration: Grow Your Audience Exponentially (00:15:26)
Chapter 11: Trends & Tentpoles: Conspire with the Culture (00:13:39)
Chapter 12: Team: Scale Your Vision (00:11:19)
Chapter 13: Think Differently: Crush Conventionality (00:10:13)

Conclusion (00:09:04)
Appendix (00:06:05)
Benji’s Acknowledgements (00:00:22)
Sean’s Acknowledgements (00:02:20)
End Credits (00:01:08)

What should you do after reading the YouTube book?

1. Take the first step and shoot your first video – And improve later.
2. The way is long so write down your purpose, so that you can keep going when times are tough.
3. Start adjusting your channel so that your audience clearly knows what value they’ll receive.
4. Make sure that your content adds something helpful to your viewer’s life 
5. Set up a great environment for people to want to engage with you and each-other, engagement creates bonds.
6. Making sure your audience is served first and then, read about ways to make money and start with one.
7. Keep on publishing, no matter if you get 0 or negative amount of views, you’ll improve with time. 

YouTube Book Attributes

Things that might help you decide whether you would like to read it.


Benji Travis – He runs a food channel (Benji Travis) with 380.000 subscribers, was able to raise 200.000$ in less than a month for charity and more.
Sean Cannell – He is the owner of Think Media which has 1.79 million subscribers as of writing this post , Sean Cannell which has 102.000 subscribers and more. 


Physical/Audio : 196 pages/3 h 38 m


The Youtube book has 1789 ratings as of writing on 89 percent of which are 4 and 5 stars.

What are "The 7 C's"?

This is the main framework of this YouTube book.

It includes 7 factors that contribute to YouTube success. 
Which are:
1. Courage 2. Clarity 3. Channel 4. Content 5. Community 6. Cash 7. Consistency.

1. Courage: Ignite Passion and Transcend Fear

There are 2 main fears that stop people from starting on YouTube, and that is:
1 – What will happen if I put in the effort and get no result?
2 – Getting hate or being judged.
The best way to get over those fears is just start.

Just Do It!

2. Clarity: Start With The End in Mind

Benji and Sean First suggest us to know our life goal and always remember it when things are tough. (begin with the end in mind)
And Second our channel should be at the intersection of our passion, profficciency, and need for the market. (Hedgehog concept)

3. Channel: Building a Home For Your Content

This chapter is mainly about the way you present your channel – Things like the big background image, channel name, channel trailer, about page and more. We should optimize our channel in such a way, that any visitor would be able to understand the value he will get from us within 5 seconds.

Channel Name
Background Image

Channel Trailer

Channel Name

4. Content: Create Lasting Impact


Ask yourself:
-How does your content improve the lives of the viewers? 
-What kind of content would you like to see on youtube that doesn’t exist yet?

5. Community - Engage with your audience

Just like in the last 2 books I reviewed – Superfans and Platform, this YouTube book highlights the extreme importance of human engagement, That is the main difference between YouTube and TV, Between YouTube stars and Hollywood stars. Respond to the comments of your viewers, ask them to subscribe, and initiate 1 on 1 calls. Even though you’re a busy person you should never be too busy for your audience.

6. Cash - Monetize Your Content

In this YouTube book we’re reminded that although money is very important, we should follow the vision and the contribution to our audience first, and only then does monetization make sense.
Then they provide us 10 Ways to Monetize – The first of which is Adsense (YouTube ad partnership – 1000 subscribers, 4000 view hours threshold) which as a rule of thumb provides 2$ per thousand views.
This means that we need approximately a million views monthly to earn 2000$ monthly, which makes it the least favorite of the author’s strategies – because most youtube channels might reach a million views over the entire lifetime of the channel.

7. Consistency - Hustle Your Way To Success

Consistency helps with SEO, allows you to stay top of mind for the viewers, and learn as you go, because as they say… Practice makes the master.

One thing you could do to stay consistent is create a few videos beforehand and schedule them for the days you’d like them to be posted. That way you may gather a few videos in advance, which may protect you in case of some unexpected occurences in life (So that even if you fall behind, the videos will still be posted on schedule).

Rating (6 Parameters)


Clarity of Speech

How clear and understandable was the voice? 6/6


Were there any gulps, voice jumps? Recording interruptions? The higher the score – the less interruptions. 6/6

Expressing Emotions

How much does it sound as if the narrator was really there? How attached is he to the sentiment in the story? And how well does he transfer the emotion to the reader? 7/7

Heading Distribution

When I read the heading, can I recall the contents?
Answer: I can recall the main ideas of the majority of the chapters when reading the headings 9/10

Drive For Implementation

How much does the book push you to apply it’s contents?


Does it use images or other resources to transfer it’s message? Answer: Most definitely, not just images, but videos. I felt a great impact when watching the videos  6/6

Direct Calls to Action

How often does the authors prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: Even though they do generally prompt us to apply the principles, both in the conclusion and in the introduction (They describe the ideas as actionable items) I feel that some sort of an accompanying workbook or course like in Superfans and Will it fly could have been even greater!   4/6

Providing Actual Specific Details

Can you actually apply the Ideas in the book without additional resources?
Answer: I believe some content could be more specific, nonetheless, there are a lot of things you can take action upon.


How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: Very often, I believe I understood everything the authors wanted to convey 20/20


How interesting/useful was the content?
Answer: I got a lot of Ideas and generally was very moved and inspired by the content, I even shed a tear because it made me remember the possibilities that are out there, nontheless as said before it could have helped if some of the explanations were more technical 18/20

Final Rating

Narration – 20/20 Heading Distribution – 9/10 Drive for Implementation – 17/20 Examples – 20/20 Content – 18/20 Final Rating94/100

What’s the one thing you took away from this summary? Share in the comments below and let’s get to work!

"Stay focused on the vision, put in the work and keep building your influence, income and impact one video at a time!"

Sean Cannell & Benji Travis YouTube Secrets: Conclusion. Tweet

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