Hey people, so, let’s talk about physical activity, we all know that it is in the list of the “should” do’s.
But why is it so important and how much should we do it?
Content of post:
1) Benefits of workout, bulletpoints and short explanations.
2) The recommended minimum for workouts: Types and length.
3) My routine, what’s yours? 🙂
Well, here goes a loong list of benefits( I will elaborate a little bit on each, wider explanation could be found in the sources below ):
1) It can promote a Better sex life – May boost sex drive, improve sexual performance and pleasure, helps reduce erectional disfunction.
2) It Can Reduce Pain – Can raise pain tolerance and decrease pain perception, can help cope with various health conditions.
3) It Can Help With Relaxation and Sleep Quality – Helps with sleep disorders, Insomnia and sleep better in general (Energy depletion stimulates recuperative process during sleep)
4) It Can Help Your Brain Health and Memory – Can stimulate hormones that promote brain cells growth and promote blood flow and oxygen to brain.
6) It Can Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Disease – Promotes cardiovascular fitness, decreases blood pressure and blood fat.
7) It Can Increase Your Energy Levels – Reduces fatigue.
8) It Is Good for Your Muscles and Bones – Could build muscle and increase bone density
9) It Can Help With Weight Loss – Promotes metabolic activity
10) It Can Make You Feel Happier – Improves your mood and decreases feelings of depression, anxiety and stress
11)Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. ( That means less risk from absorbing candy, if you still do after my post about sugar 🙂 Or helps those who have diabetes )
12)Help you quit smoking – Reduces withdrawal symptoms, limits weight gain when you stop smoking.
13)Reduce your risk of falls – for older adults can help reduce the risk of falling
14)Increase your chances of living longer – Has been linked to preventing lethal cancers and heart disease.
15)Exercise can be fun … and social- you could use it as a social activity.
Aaaaand the list goes on…
Hope this convinces you
How much should we work out?
Well there is no definite amount But,
The MINIMUM that The Department of Health and Human Services recommends in order to rip those benefits is
-150 minutes of moderate activity ( If you can say a sentence but not sing during the activity then it is moderate )
-75 minutes of vigorous activity ( If you can only say a word or two without breathing during workout then it is vigorous )
– Or a mix of both ( Say 25 vigorous and 100 moderate or 50 vigorous and 50 moderate and so on )
-Resistance training at least twice a week for each major muscle group
Which are (Check out the image accordingly):
1. Quadriceps
2. Hamstrings
3. Calves
4. Chest
5. Back
6. Shoulders
7. Triceps
8. Biceps
9. Forearms
10. Trapezius
11. Abs
For example
Sunday – Legs (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves) Upper body (Chest, shoulders, triceps)
Monday – Upper body (Back, biceps, forearms, trapecius, abs)
Or spread it out
Sunday – Legs (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves)
Monday – Upper body (Chest, shoulders, triceps)
Tuesday – Upper body (Back, biceps, forearms, trapecius, abs)
Wednesday – Legs x2 (Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves)
Thursday – Upper body x2 (Chest, shoulders, triceps)
Friday – Upper body x2 (Back, biceps, forearms, trapecius, abs)
Nonetheless there is nothing mentioned about how long should it be and how many sets you should workout every muscle group..
Here’s my training routine for this week. I have made it a point to workout for 30 minutes daily, after this research will make an attempt to work a bit more on back muscles to follow the guidelines described.
Sunday 30 minute vigorous jog
Monday none 🙁
Tuesday 30 minutes vigorous jog
Wednesday – Abs 30 minutes
Thursday – Legs (Quadriceps, Hamstrings) 30 minutes
Friday – 30 minutes vigorous jog
Today – Will do an alternating pushup workout
So, what’s your training routine guys?
Have you found this article helpful in any way?
Would love to hear from you in the comments below!
As always with appreciation to your hard work! Keep on rocking it!
Benefits of exercise:
Muscle groups:
Guidelines on workout: