
Are you feeling stuck with your business?
Working tirelessly more than everyone around you? 
Are you desperately flipping through book after book to get you at least one little step closer to the dream of building a successful business?
Do you want your business to give you passive income and a sense of fulfillment?


That’s what I’m here for!
Hi! My name is Yan Raychuk, I’m the owner of the Improvementor YouTube Channel and Blog where I publish animated marketing book summaries and blog reviews to help you grow your influencer business.

Author of Improvementor Yan Raychuk on white background

Here are some of the things you’ll get if you stick around here.

– Marketing book summaries that strictly concentrate on business development.
– A 1 to 100 scale rating of each book.
– My experience of the book
– Takeaways I had from the book whether just a mindset change or specific application.
– An animated YouTube summary along with it.


So how did I get here?

Until the age of 18 I’ve been spending the majority of the day time playing video games of all sorts, at times I found myself skipping school and playing weeks at a time, from dawn until sunset. 

One day when I was 17 my father introduced me to the book rich dad, poor dad, and somehow I ended up reading it. Which – together with my father’s influence made me stop playing, and start reading.
Eventually after 4 busy years preparing for and serving in the Israeli Army and dreaming of financial freedom I got released on April 2020 and went on working full time on this Improvementor blog creature.

So the burning question that remains is this – Will you and I go long enough to make this thing work?
Because the only way we could fail – Is quit.

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