Blogging Book: 5 Book bundle – Mark Gray.

Have a great week people,
As I promised a book review on another audiobook I have just finished reading.
This blogging book review is for people who wish to make income through the internet.
Blogging: 4 Steps For Writing Your Blog And Get Paid Handsomely: Blog 4 steps Bundles, book 5. 

But first, the choosing process according to Patricks video that I have posted approximately two weeks ago, see if it suits you.



1. Author – The author description on audible claims that the author is an experienced online marketer that is in the field for 10 years already and has been able to generate a few six figure businesses.
2. Subject – Affiliate marketing, Blogging Subjects I am interested in on which I am planning to read in the close while.
3. Reviews – 5 stars average review on audible.
4. Credibility – Seems more credible than some other books because reviews range on different dates, and from different users, comparing to other books on audible the users of which were anonymous and published a lot of times on the same dates. (seems to be fabricated)
Also the author bio seems quite credible even though I only found it on audible.


Now to the review:



It includes 5 different books:
1. Find Your Brands Voice and Get Customers from Zero
2. Get Rich by Writing One Post from Zero
3. Take Your Blog from Zero to 100,000 Readers
4. Make Money with a Blog from Zero
5. Attract Your Ideal Prospects from Zero with a Blog Post



My experience

After having listened to the book within less then a week, I have picked up that the author has great style.


The reading is expressed well, the author made me believe in him by sharing his success story, from the beginning of blogging and till gaining 15 000 dollars a month.


The book is written in a terms – examples (Explaining terms and techniques and then giving examples) manner which is quite easy to understand and follow relatively.


There are even some parts in the book in which he solely tries to help you decide to start blogging and motivate you, a bit like a coach.


Some of the cons are that it is still a specialized knowledge book and is a little hard to memorise and follow comparing to storytelling books or ideology books
Unless you Implement it straight away.





In conclusion: Gray gives great content within the book If you wish to start blogging from zero, but you have to Implement it to really learn it, or else there is no use. I believe it has great potential and am starting a blog now, a few months after reading the book, partially because of it, but not only. I still remember a few of it’s core values, and most probably will return to read it again in the future.



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