Everybody Writes – (83/100) 6 Part Rating

How much of a 100 did it score?

Everybody Writes Book Cover
Ann Handley profile

Clarity of Speech

How clear and understandable was the voice? 6/6


Were there any gulps, voice jumps? Recording interruptions?
The higher the score – the less interruptions. 7/7

Expressing Emotions

How much does it sound as if the narrator was really there?
How attached is he to the sentiment in the story?
And how well does he transfer the emotion to the reader? 7/7

Heading Distribution

When I read the heading, can I recall the contents?
Answer: I can remember the contents on a ratio of 2 to 1

Drive For Implementation

How much does the book push you to apply it’s contents?


Does it use images or other resources to transfer it’s message?
Answer: When listening along with an eBook, it’s effective.
But, if only an audiobook it’s tough to understand which images belong when 5/7

Direct Calls to Action

How often does the author prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: Not very often, I felt like it’s a lot of knowledge, but without a specific plan of action 3/6

Providing Actual Specific Details

Can you actually apply the Ideas in the book without additional resources?
Answer: The great majority can be applied with no further resources 7/7


How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: I don´t think there was anything I wasn´t able to grasp 20/20


How interesting was the content?
Answer: The individual stories are interesting, but there´s no general plot 🙁 9/15


How useful was the content?
Answer: Because I was able to extract a few applications
I’d say it was pretty useful, but not all of it 12/15

Final Rating


Narration – 20/20
Heading Distribution – 7/10
Drive for Implementation – 15/20
Examples – 20/20
Interesting – 9/15
Useful – 12/15

Final Rating


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