7 of the best tips from the book Everybody Writes (In my opinion) to actually apply in your next blog post.

1. Write Blog Posts Under 1500 or Even Under 1000 Words (Chapter 73 and 60)

The Optimal Blog Post Length is under 1500 Words, concluded Marketer Andy Crestodina in his research of best performing marketers.(1)
Others prefer even less. “I cannot remember reading any blogpost that I wished was longer” says Author and Entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki(2). The longer blog posts that he did read, he couldn’t seem to remember what they were about. He even suggests that blog posts be under 1000 words in length.
That’s why this post is 700 words long. :).
2. Headline Length - Close to 60 Words But Not Over (Chapter 73)
The average length of a Blog Post Headline is 40 words.
Headlines closer to 60 words get more shares, according to a study done by Track Maven(3).
However, when you go over 60 words, the shares have shown a decline according to the same study.
Your audience’s reaction may vary. Test and Adjust accordingly.
3. Write The Essence In The Beginning of a Sentence (Chapter 5)
One could write –
– The author and Entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki says “I cannot remember reading any blog post that I wished was longer”
– “I cannot remember reading any blog post I wish was longer” Says the Entrepreneur Guy Kawasaki.
The latter is more attractive, because the main message is in the beginning, and draws in the reader.
4. Promise What You´re Going to Deliver (Chapter 69)
Readers will leave the page as soon as they get there if
they see that you don’t deliver on the headline’s promise.
This is called “A Bounce”.
When the bounce rate is high, your Search Engine Results Position drops.
Besides, the unethicality of the matter is also worth considering.
5. Seek Permission, Not Forgiveness (Chapter 57)

Using materials that don´t require permission is the best option.
Nonetheless, if you decide to use materials you´re not sure about – ask permission,
really, it´s not worth the risk.
Creative Commons license and Fair use materials are
the ones you can use without permission as you probably know.
But even in this case, attribution is an excellent practice, because,
in case any doubt arises you can be sure you´re covered. 🙂
Don’t forget to cite your sources as well.
6. Tell A Story Only You Can Tell (Chapter 42)
Buzzwords that actually don´t mean anything
are the way that many companies describe themselves.
These words are meaningless, because lots of other companies use them.
To differentiate ourselves, and create a vivid image
we must tell a story that only we can tell, and thus make ourselves memorable.
I, for example, include the takeaways from every book I review in the according blog post.
These are unique, real-life examples that may help the readers understand
and remember the points that I´m trying to convey,
they give the post personality, because only I can share them.
7. Time It Well (Chapter 73)
If you still don´t have many blog posts –
Try publishing on Sundays and Saturdays according to Track Maven.(1)
And Guy Kawasaki says that 8-10 am are the best publishing times on weekdays
according to Ann(Probably Interview).
If you do have a few blog posts, and set up google analytics already –
check your engagement times, and publish accordingly.
Here´s a guide to create a time of day/day of week visits report.
If you don’t have it set up yet, here’s Google’s guide to doing it.
For me it seems the best times are 15-16 and best days are Sunday and Friday
Book – Ann Handley – Everybody Writes (Chapters 60, 73, 72, 5, 69, 57, 42)
1. Ideal Blog Post Length for SEO (orbitmedia.com)
2. These 50 Guy Kawasaki Quotes Will Make You A Better Entrepreneur (medium.com) (Quote 38)
3. Content – Blog Best-Practices and Benchmarks (marketingprofs.com)
1. Ann Handley Image (videomarketingvalue.com)
2. Everybody Writes Book Cover (Amazon.com)
Still unsure about the book? Check out a 100-scale rating of the book here
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