Hey again great ones. I´ve long been looking to pass to a vegan diet and in this Forks Over Knives Review I got a few additional great reasons to do it. In this article you could find the books Table of Contents, Summary of it’s two parts and my personal experience of the book, enjoy 🙂

Book's table of contents
The book is split into two sections. Basically I would say That Section one is the Why you should go on a plant based diet.
While Section two is How you could go on a plant based diet.
Chapter 1: Foreword
Leave your drugs in the chemists pot if you can cure your patient with food
Section One: The plant based world of Forks Over Knives
2: Good For Your Health (This is 55 minutes or almost half of the book)
3: Good For Animals
4: Good For Environment
Section Two: Eating the Forks Over Knives way
5: Reading food labels
6: Your guide to plant based foods
7: Tips for transitioning
8: Tools to prepare healthy plant based meals
Chapter 9: The amazing results
Forks Over Knives Review -
Section 1: Why go on the whole plant diet

This is the larger section of the book something like three quarters.
It contains answers to the following questions. How does diet affect the mortality rate of humans? Why a plant based diet contains all we need? (but a small exception). Why it is the best way to eat? It also contains many many case studies that support the forks over knives way.
Caution: Not for those who don’t care about their health, animals or environment.
To check out the publisher’s summary: https://amzn.to/3lfzwYS (If you buy through this link send me a screenshot of the receipt to yan@improvementor.blog and I’ll be sure to send you a PDF bonus that will teach you a trick to get a few other books for free. Also some other useful info about audible that might save you some money.)
Forks Over Knives Review -
Section 2: How to go on a whole plant diet
Here the book describes which foods to eat generally, how to read food labels: Sugars, Sodium, Salt, Dairy, fats. What is suggested for the best health possible. Then again speaking about difference between the ingredients inside processed and animal foods and whole plant based foods.
The book also gives a bit of tips that will help you transition to a Forks Over Knives diet. Or at least change your diet partly, as you could have understood from the topic of chapter.
Forks Over Knives Review - My experience

Learned new things but a bit repetitive
In general I would say that after having listened to the book I indeed learned a few new things.
When I started reading the book, I already believed that eating vegan is healthier.
Now I understood a few times better why it is so.
Also many myths I have heard about food have been crushed ( Proteins source, B12 source, omega 3 and 6 dilemmas, etc. ).
Even though the book does contain most relevant information on the topic, there is a certain point where you already start feeling that it’s repetitive. (Basically there are lots and lots of pro vegan quotes and case studies).
Explains only which food to eat in general but not in detail.
On the part that I have got this book for. Which is to understand better about what I should and shouldn’t eat, I indeed found out a few things, but it doesn’t guide as much as I wished.
My wish is to know exactly how much of every vitamin, every type of food(carbs,fats,proteins,minerals, calories etc.) I need. Then get a food scale, and fit it into perfection or as close as possible ( In calculation with physical activity ). This book does not provide this info even closely It just states what foods you should eat in general. Further research will be needed. 🙂
Hesitating on going vegan? It's for you.
But this book is great for people who have been considering a vegan diet and wondering on whether it is harmful for you. It could be a nice jump start for your research to better health.
Forks Over Knives Review - Conclusion
Gives you why, how and 96/125 recipes 🙂
In conclusion of the Forks Over Knives Review, it is a vegan book that will tell you why veganism is the best choice for you and will state the great positive effects of veganism on your Health, Animals and Environment.
It will then give you a few suggestions on Food, Kitchen Tools and Reading Food Labels. ( It comes with a PDF of 96/125 cool recipes(Depending on format) that you might wanna try even if you’re not vegan 🙂 )
A bit repetitive, but truthful. Check it out
I warn you, It might be a bit repetitive with all the research, and might make you feel a bit uncomfortable with the truth. Be ready for it.
So if you are looking to find out more about how to improve your diet and are ready to have a few basic assumptions you believed in changed, check it out.
Wish you Best of luck, health and achievement of your potential 🙂
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