Review of a book about Google advertising Platforms ( Adwords, Adsense, Analytics, Console, Insights, trends, etc. ) the full name of which is: Social Media Marketing 2020: Learn How to Build and Grow Your Brand Using Google Ads and YouTube Advertising. The Complete Guide to Brand Positioning – Book 1.
A suggestion on a cornerstone marketing book is included in the Introduction.
– You have been looking for a Marketing Book, found this book and are thinking of getting it.
– You are generally looking for Marketing Books or to Promote your / some Brand.
– You are looking to make money online or get awareness to some cause which might also be non-profit.
Aand I think I haven’t forgot anyone.
What's the goal of this post?
I’ll do my best to provide you with the info of whether this book is worth a read, or not. I will also tell you about my takeaways and what I’ve learned so that even if you decide not to get the book, you will have learned some of it’s cores! so without further ado, let’s jump into the review.

-Opening Credits (00:21)
-Copyright (01:41)
-Introduction (03:13)
-What Is Google Advertising? (05:58)
-What Is Adsense and Where Did It Come From? (04:08)
-How Does Google Advertising Work? (05:41)
-How Does Google Advertising Benefit the Small Business Owner? (02:45)
-Google Advertising Adwords Management Campaign (03:11)
-Factors Determining Google Advertising (02:22)
-Different Kinds Of Google Advertising (02:40)
-Google Advertising US Domain Type In Traffic (03:13)
-How To Reach Your Audience Through Pay Per Click Google Advertising (01:32)
-Skillfully Learning To Make The Best Use Of Google Advertising (03:10)
-Possible Causes For Ineffective Google Advertising Campaign (01:17)
-Reasons To Explore Google Advertising Options (02:36)
-Google Adwords Campaigns (03:29)
-Steps To Starting A Succesful Google Adwords Campaign (03:31)
-How To Effectively Manage A Google Adwords Campaign (02:48)
-The Most Common And Biggest Mistake Made With A Google Adwords –Campaign (02:48)
-How To Create A Keywords List For Google Adwords Campaign (02:24)
-How To Read Google Adwords Campaign Results (03:47)
-Google Conversion (01:51)
-Tracking Your Google Adwords Conversion (04:53)
-How To Enhance The Conversion Rate of Google Awareness (04:21)
-Conversion Tracking – Must For Google Adwords Campaign (02:37)
-New Google Adwords Bid Simulator Gives You Estimated Conversion Rate (03:22)
-Google Display (02:27)
-Choosing Keywords For Your Google Display Campaigns (02:36)
-Google Brand Awareness (02:45)
-How To Get Started With Google Adwords And Online Advertising (03:22)
-Google Traffic (03:11)
-How To Get Cheap Traffic From Googles Content Network (01:36)
-How To Obtain Free Traffic From Google And Build Backlinks Credibly (03:14)
-Getting Website Traffic From Google Adwords – What You Need To Do If You Are Starting Out (01:36)
-How To Isolate Search Network Traffic In Google Adwords (04:52)
-Getting The Adword Out: How To Increase Website Traffic WIth Google Adwords (06:46)
-Drive Laser Targeting Traffic Using Google Adwords (03:29)
-Google Adwords Secret To Double, Even Triple Your Lead Generation Co-nversion (04:05)
-Essential Google Analytics Features (04:14)
-How To use Google Analytics to Increace Your Traffic To Your Website (06:22)
-Installing Google Analytics In Easy Steps (02:54)
-How To Setup Your Google Analytics Account (05:30)
-Get The Best Out Of Google Analytics (03:13)
-Using Google Analytics To Optimize And Market Your Site (05:28)
-Adding Google Analytics To Your Doimain (06:22)
-Unlocking Google Analytics Reports (02:42)
-Google Analytics Top 10 Tips (03:54)
-How To Build Your Opt-In List WIth Goole Adwords (06:59)
-Create Massive Opt In List Using Google Adwords (05:04)
-How To Create Your Landing Page So You Will Not Get Slapped (02:47)
-How To Find Lots Of Inexpensie Keywords On Google Adwords (02:45)
-How To Conduct Product Research Using Google Adwords (03:57)
-Google Adwords Landing Paes How To Create Compelling Offers That Are -Practically Irresistable (04:20)
-How To Build Your List With Adwords (04:09)
-End Credits (00:31)
Decision Process
Needed to use up 2 credits while making PDF
This book was picked together with the latest one I reviewed (YouTube Marketing: Basics, Marketing and Income) as I was making the bonus PDF – 8 Audible Money-Saving Tricks and Tips (Info In the bottom of the post) and had 2 excessive credits, and needed to get rid of them to finish the PDF.
Goal: Improve at Blogging
I didn’t dwell too much on picking them, I just chose two books on Marketing, since what’s mostly on my mind right now is getting this blog to succeed, and no blog can succeed without getting readers, can it? 🙂
Let’s begin with saying that If you’re looking for an un-put-downable, easy, fluent listen, this book is not for you. As this book, just as the last one is filled with terms and It’s explanations. And you will, many times, in the combination with the monotonous voice not be able to understand what is said and will have to rewind.
Though you could keep reading to find out what value it did provide nonetheless, because it did have some value.
Nonetheless, I consider Influence by Robert B Cialdini to be one of those books that fit all those criteria I just stated!
That said let’s get on to some of the contents of some of the 52 Chapters within this 3-hour book.
First 10 Chapters in a few words
Chapter 1: Introduction
-Physical campaigns are extremely expensive, Internet campaigns are affordable.
-On the Internet (contrary to the physical) – Established and New companies have the same opportunities.
Chapter 2: Google Advertising
Google is the Number One Search Engine, therefor, Use SEO.
Chapter 3: What is Adsense and where did it come from?
-Adsense – Allows advertisers to post at sites with the same context as the content of the ads.
-Adwords – Allows advertisement to rank at the top of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for payment
Chapter 4: How does google advertising work?
-With adsense – Get visitors from context
-With adwords – Get visitors by keywords
( 3rd chapter rephrased )
-Your task is to keep the audience with your offer or content and to make them return to you.
Chapter 5: How does google advertising benefit from the small business owner
-The best advertising for SME’s (Small and Medium sized Enterprises)
is contextual advertising.
-Contextual advertising is good with google and the prices are too.
Chapter 6: Google Adwords management Campaign
At last some value – 4 short tips to avoid money-loss with advertising.
Chapter 7: Factors Determining Google Advertising
A few other facts that determin whether you’ll have a successful campaign (could’ve been included with 6th chapter)
Chapter 8: Different Kinds of Google Advertising
PPC for direct purchases vs. Picture advertising for Impressions
Search Network vs. Content network accordingly
(Adwords vs. Adsense)
Chapter 9: Google Advertising Vs. Domain Type in traffic
-Make sure that your Bid for keywords at Adwords fits ROI (Return on Investment), highest is not always best, meaning it might be worth to rank at the second page and pay less, as long as you get more money than you spend.
-Get your own Domain to get free traffic later, it’s worth it, as with time you’ll get free traffic.
Chapter 10: How to Reach Your Audience Through Pay Per Click Google Advertising
Make sure you know what your audience wants or ask them, and use the correct keywords.
My general experience
So just as with the previous book – YouTube Marketing: Basics, Marketing and Income (Shortened name) – It was hard to read it and absorb all the info, but that is to be expected, as most of the audiobooks of this sort I have listened to, from little known authors follow the same pattern.
But on top of that I noticed that this book had a few other unprofessional flaws including:
7 Flaws of The Book
– Monotonous Narration that makes it difficult to understand the text sometimes.
– Mistakes at narration and fixing them at the same read, no removing the mistake.
Headlines and Chapter Division
– The headlines are written with grammar mistakes (I’ve copied them just the way they are written in the book. You could see it in the “Book Table of Contents” in the beginning of the chapter)
– There is no clear Chapter Division, meaning, all chapters feel a bit like a mess, instead of making big parts, to understand more clearly which part of the 52 Chapters relates to each chapter.
– Some of the Chapters are just the same as others in essence just rephrased (Contents are repetitive, and not the story kind of repetitive, but just exactly the same thing)
Seems like a Google Advertising Advertisement
-Narrator states at a certain point that he is related to google by saying “we”
And it makes me be a bit suspicious as of his motives of writing the book, as the whole book does feel like a bit of a google ads advertisement to me…
-Also the headlines are keyword overstuffed, if you’ll pay attention, every headline contains the words “Google Ads” or something of a sort, probably in order to rank better either at google or Audible, while there is absolutely no problem with that, it is a problem when the headlines lose meaning in order to contain those words…
6 New Terms and Useful Things In The Book
On the other hand, there are some key Marketing principles that are reminded in this book.
I also started feeling the value a bit more around the second half of the book.
There are also a few other things I became aware of like:
2 New Terms
-SERP – Search Engine Results Page
-QS – Quality Score of your ad. ( If it’s higher – your ad is run more times, and shown to more people, Click Through Rate has to be high for that )
3 Maybe useful Google Services
-The range of possibilities at google analytics, and how to possibly use them to fix any errors at a sales funnel.
-What he refers to google Insights – which is now thinkwithgoogle from what I understand (A tool to help figure out your audiences).
-Google Alerts ( Still no idea how it works, have to do some research )
Landing page suggestions
-Towards the very end of the book – some suggestions on how to make a good landing page
4 Takeaways
Despite this book having many flaws, there are some takeaways that I’ve got here.
So this book was not a complete waste of time 🙂
1. Improve website design
There are 3 parts to marketing a brand on the Internet:
a. Site optimization for customer retention ( because no matter how much traffic you have, if there is no useful content, they will not stay )
b. SEO – Search Engine Optimization
c. Ads – Adwords or other
This reminded me the importance of website design
2. Try PPC
2. PPC campaign might be worth a shot – You only Pay per Clicks, as the name states.
3. Use Remarketing after some campaigns
3. Got Reminded that the remarketing tool might be of use (Making the ad show to the same people that already saw it).
4. Always think what value does your audience/customers get
Reminded to think what you guys (the audience) are looking for and that I have to make my content helpful with that in mind.
Conclusion and 100 - scale rating
Expectations vs. Reality
This sort of book on specific subjects by unknown writers are most usually not an easy read just as other Self Improvement books that withstood the test of time, and that is what I was expecting from this book.
I got that and then some…
Flaws exceed Benefits
It is very flawed in my opinion, with all the respect to the author and his work, the flaws really exceed the benefits, Though I have posted some of my takeaways, and new knowledge in this post, you could google it to have a few things to think of :).
Please let me know whether the post was helpful or not at the bottom of the post, thanks for reading, and see you in the next review of the 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib
Free Offers 🙂
In case you still want to get the book
I do not suggest getting it, but if you still choose to.
If you purchase through those links fill in this form to get a PDF with 8 Audible Money-Saving Tricks and tips. It is also possible to get if you start Audible free trial. (Delivered within 24 hours)
!Disclaimer – Those are affiliate links and if you purchase through them I’ll get a small comission, at no extra cost for you, for which I will be very thankful! 🙂
YouTube Review
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