Hey you awesomest creatures alive!
Sharing with you today a video that has given me an idea about how to choose books. Now, instead of randomly counting on suggestions, I
Check if the book has those four qualities:
1. Author – Whether the author is a person I would want to be like or at least a person I have something to learn from ( Search on Google or Wikipedia, etc. )
2. Reviews – reviews on the Internet on one or a few platforms, for example Amazon and eBay
3. Subject – Whether it is a subject I want to know more about ( Your certain niche )
4. Credibility – Patrick refers to the credibility of the recommender. Nonetheless you could also check general credibility. For example: How many platforms have positive reviews? The amount of info available around the internet on the author and how many different influencers suggest the author or the books.
Other key questions you could ask yourself
- What am I struggling with right now?
- Has anything new piqued my interest lately?
- Is there an area of my life I want to improve at the moment?
- Has anything been on my mind a lot?
- What have I been gravitating towards?
- Do I have any challenges coming up that I need to prepare for?
Comment if you choose books by other parameters and as always keep hustling, you are not alone!!!
Thanks a lot to Patrick from Valuetainment for the great value
You are welcome to support him by liking or commenting on the video in YouTube if you found this info helpful!!!
Another friendly article on the subject
How to choose books you’ll actually read
Audiobooks Reviews ( Chosen with aid of this method)
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