Should you read the whole book or is the main blog post enough?
Maybe the numbers will tell the story.

Narration - Not an Audiobook

Is there a storyline? How connected is one Idea to the one before it?
Answer: It definitely feels like quite a captivating book,
even though it just contains marketing principles, which are usually considered “boring”.
Even though it’s not a true “story” (like a novel), Victor wrote it in a continuous captivating way which, nonetheless, feels a bit like a story. 20/20
Heading Distribution

When I read the heading, do I recall the contents?
Answer: Yes! For most of them I do, and even those that do not make the contents jump to mind right away, after a quick look at the subheads, of which there are plenty, are quickly raising memories of content 19/20
Drive For Implementation

How much does the book push you to apply its contents?
Does it use images or other resources to transfer its message?
Answer: The version I read has only 1 very small image, but the book is very captivating nonetheless!
That said to be objective this parameter should only be 1/6
Direct Calls to Action
How often does the author prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: Almost no direct requests for action, maybe very few, still his copy is moving by its clarity. 2/7
Providing Actual Specific Details
Can you actually apply the Ideas on the book without additional resources?
Answer: Yes. He also has quizzes at the end of each chapter which are awesome. 7/7

= 3
How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: Very often, I do not feel there’s much that was left unexplained 20/20

How interesting/useful was the content?
Answer: I have used 3 of its basic principles, right in the blogpost of it, as a result of reading it. so I’d say it’s quite useful! And it was also interesting. As I stated a few times already, I felt quite captivated. 20/20
The true usability of the 5 fundamentals can be described for me as follows:
1 – A specific plan for using in next piece
2 – Was already used before I read the book
3 – Implemented in the post itself as a result of the book
4 – Implemented in the post itself as a result of the book
5 – Implemented in the post itself partially as a result of the book and partially before
Final Rating

Plot – 20/20
Heading Distribution – 19/20
Drive for Implementation – 10/20
Examples – 20/20
Content – 20/20
Final Rating – 89/100

Even though the drive for implementation could have been stronger, I feel it´s an excellent book.
If you´d like to APPLY its fundamentals, here´s a workbook for you (Reading the main blog post may help you to fill it out).
How To Write a Good (Content Piece) - 5 Fundamentals Fillable Workbook
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