How To Improve Your Next Blog Post (HTWAGA Analysis)

Let’s get down to analyzing and IMPROVEMENTING HTWAGA.
Hope this inspires you to analyze and improve your posts too.

Main Goal: 1+ leads in each of the Video and Search ads, during the period they ran.

Results(Blog only. Video results in separate post)
Google PPC/Search Ad + Blog Post –  627 Clicks + 1 Lead – Hurraaaay!!! (Blog Forms Only)

Now lets see a few more illustrations and investigate what we could keep or improve in each case (Starting with the blog post and PPC analysis in this post and the video ads+content in the next).

PPC - Search Ad Observations

I only included direct forms of the blog post in the above count as Highlighted below.
This is because 
the others might have come from a different traffic source (Video Ad/Organic/Facebook Ad).

The date range is 6.02-13.02 because that’s when the ad ran.


Blog Form Subscription for 6-13.2.24. Click to Open in New Window

There were also 3 “Unsubscribes”, but they subscribed earlier than 6.02.24, so it didn’t affect the lead count whatsoever. (See below)

Net subscribers during the PPC ad lifespan(6-13 Feb) - Click to open in new window

-The ad actually worked similarly to CR* and in contrast to TAM*, which created impressions. 
And without impressions there are, of course, no clicks or leads.

HTWAGA got x2.6 clicks that of CR.
(See table below)













627 Clicks


239 Clicks

Interaction rate




Average Cost





6 - 13 Feb 2024

15 - 22 Oct 2023

17 - 24 June 2023

What made this ad different?

What Made HTWAGA and CR Just "Work" (Not 0)

In the previous analysis of TAM I assumed the major reason it didn’t work was the difference in bidding strategy (“Maximise Clicks” in CR that worked vs. “Maximise Conversions” in TAM that didn’t work).
Apparently it seems I’ve hit the bullseye because this time the ad (HTWAGA) worked too. As you can see above.
Below are the differences in the 3 campaign settings

Content Rules search ad settings (click to open in new window)
Tested Methods search ad settings (click to open in new window)
HTWAGA search ad settings (click to open in new window)

Why The HTWAGA Ad got x2.6 Clicks over CR for The Same Cost?

After some analysis of the ads here are the differences I’ve found:






Keywords Targeted

37 Keywords

10 Keywords

Custom Display Path/URL

0 Custom URLs

2 Custom URLs

Headlines Variations(Rotation)

7 Headlines

3 Headlines

Description Variations(Rotation)

4 Descriptions

2 Descriptions

Google Ads Unfulfilled Suggestions

2 Not met suggestions

4 Not met suggestions

It seems that more variations of Headlines/Descriptions/Keywords provided more clicks.

Google PPC Search Ad Conclusion and Improvements

To apply in The Boron Letters ad:

1. Use the “Maximize Clicks” metric *No matter the CPC because both worked in the past
2. Include about 37 Keywords, 7 headlines and 4 descriptions.
These will further establish the effectiveness of the ads, after that I may try changing something else.

Once the ad finished its job of getting the highest amount of clicks for the lowest buck, in comes the content to convert the clicks into leads.

Content (Click to Lead) - Observations

The only two search ads that got any clicks are HTWAGA and CR. So here’s a comparison of how their posts converted Clicks to Leads.

The table below shows that CR’s blog post with its 2 PPC ads (one launched accidentally) did a better job than HTWAGA in producing leads. ( 1 out of 487 instead of 1 out of 627) 


CR 1

CR 2










627 Clicks

239 Clicks

148 Clicks

Interaction rate




Average Cost





6-13 Feb 2024

17-24 June 2023

17-24 June 2023



1(CR 1+2)

1(CR 1+2)

What could be the reason? (Differences)

1. Content length:
HTWAGA is 1656 words long while CR is 898 words.

2.CTA Type:
CR’s CTA is 5 Common Marketing Mistakes
While HTWAGA’s – A Fillable Workbook

Blog Post Conclusions and Improvements

Test Now: <1000 Words Vs 1500< Words

To isolate results, lets start with two ads to test just content length.
1. The TAM ad(if it works as discussed in PPC conclusions) – The content of which has 1843 words
2. The TBL ad with a 1693 words long blog post.

Then, in the post after TBL I´ll write only 3 conclusions/steps/points or so (under 1,000 words) and compare which gets more views to leads ratio, short posts(Under 1000) or longer posts(Above 1500).


Test Later: Inline Vs. Button CTA

In-line forms get a helluva lot more views in comparison to “click-button” forms and subsequently (most probably) a better read – to – lead conversion rate. Say the conclusions of TAM analysis.
For this reason
I’ll go with In-line until proven otherwise(May do A/B test with the content itself, just replacing the CTA)

Test Later: 5 Mistakes Vs. Workbook

In the analysis of TAM I decided to go with my gut and use a workbook as a CTA for HTWAGA instead of “5 Common Mistakes”.
Because TAM got a significantly higher CTR in its video ad than RCLB’s which I believe was due to its emphasizing the workbook in its thumbnail. I would like to reinforce this conclusion by an A/B test in a later content piece.

To sum the post, because it seems you might perhaps like books. I have created a PDF explaining how you could get 10 audiobooks of your choice completely FREE.
Check it out by filling the form below and it’ll land in your mail right away. See ya in the next posts 🙂

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