Learn a language for free with Duolingo and Memrise.

Hey ladies and gents, ever thought of learning a new language or maintaining one so that you won’t forget it? That’s where Duolingo and Memrise come in. With it you could learn a language for FREE!


My experience of Duolingo

This app is probably the most well known platform for language learning.
It is free as mentioned earlier and most of the courses have been contributed by volunteers!
I myself have already been using it almost every day for more than 4 years and now consider on donating money to them as they have given me tons of value!! I have finished The Spanish tree and the German tree and kept practicing both of those long afterwards and I still do!

Duolingo Pros and Cons

  • Free
  • Great at getting people to study a little every day
  • Clear course structure
  • Teaches you how to construct sentences
  • Quick to get started using
  • Covers a lot of content but isn’t the most thorough
  • Nonsensical sentences
  • Sentence recordings often sound strange
  • Can be very bad for languages that don’t use the Latin alphabet

Duolingo: Learn a language for free

You are more than welcome to write down your nickname in the comments and share the language you are going to learn/already are learning to give us some motivation.
To follow me back on Duolingo,
look for GesundShnitzel ( Don’t pay attention to the profile pic I am a vegetarian ) 

A green owl with a green

Memrise – Learn a language. Meet the world.

Memrise Pros and Cons

  • Free
  • Great for memorizing vocabulary
  • Wide variety of languages and courses
  • Game elements make it more fun than traditional flashcards
  • Quick to get started
  • Quality of courses can vary
  • Not great for learning sentence structures or grammar
  • Needs to be used with other resources

Memrise – Learn a language. Meet the world.

My experience of Memrise

This app is also a free one. It is a bit smaller than Duolingo, In audience and popularity aspects. Nonetheless it is a good learning program. It contains a lot of words that don’t exist in Duolingo and a different algorithm. Therefor I have used it as a sequel to my Spanish tree.

I have to tell you that since I started learning German (more than 2 years ago) I haven’t been able to use it. The sole reason for that is that I thought It does not allow learning German as a Spanish speaker. But as I was writing this post I found out I was wrong ( Thank you guys you are great 🙂 ). So, it is going to be perfect to continue with it soon.
I still haven’t figured out how to add friends on there, but if you find a way you could add me by the same nickname as Duolingo.


blue circle that is a twilight night sky and a spaceship taking off leaving gas behind it.

Hope you guys decide to join me and we could continue growing together!

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Check out Benefits of Meditation


Pros and Cons of the software:
Memrise vs. Duolingo

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