Ogilvy on Advertising 77/100 Rating of The Book

I rated Ogilvy on Advertising 77/100. See why in the blog post below.

ogilvy on advertising bookcover on chalkboard with the rating 77/100 above it

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Is there a storyline? How connected is one Idea to the one before it?

Answer: I didn’t feel there’s a storyline, nonetheless, it had some logical order to it, meaning, there was nothing that was discussed that I couldn’t understand because of lack of intro. 14/20

Heading Distribution

When I read the headings, can I recall the contents?
Answer: For the most part 14/20

Drive For Implementation

How much does the book push you to apply it’s contents?


Does it use images or other resources to transfer it’s message?
Answer: There are surely lots of images 6/6

Direct Calls to Action

How often does the author prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: Almost no direct prompts, the book mostly enriches our mindset. 2/6

Providing Actual Specific Details

Can you actually apply the Ideas in the book without additional resources?
Answer: Because I read this as a content creator in 2022, I needed to “Convert” the ideas to apply them.
But I’m sure that if I’d read them as an advertiser in 1985, it could most probably turn into a handbook(go-to guide for application). 5/7


How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: There were examples for everything, and I didn’t feel any trouble with understanding them 20/20


How interesting/useful was the content?
Answer: It was quite interesting but not over-the-top kind of interesting 16/20

Final Rating


Plot – 14/20
Heading Distribution – 14/20 
Drive for Implementation – 13/20 
Examples – 20/20
Content – 16/20

Final Rating

If you still haven’t read the post Ogilvy on Advertising – 5 Things I Applied and How You Can Too, it is highly advised 🙂


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