Tested Advertising Methods’ rating is 87/100 according to these 5 parameters

Narration (Not Rated)
I used the text version, not sure audio is available – None/None
1. Plot
Is there a storyline? How connected is one Idea to the one before it?
Answer: It is not a Hairy Potter story, as I wouldn’t expect a marketing book to be, but, it does have some logical order to it. I didn’t feel there were any principles discussed out of logical order. 20/20
2. Heading Distribution
When I read the heading, can I recall the contents?
Answer: 10 out of 18 headlines I remember and 2 partly. 12/20
3. Drive For Implementation
How much does the book push you to apply it’s contents?
Does it use images or other resources to transfer it’s message?
Answer: It definitely does. A lot of images! The problem is that in the version I used the text is sometimes blurry. But, that is not the author’s responsibility. 6/6
Direct Calls to Action
How often does the author prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: Not very often. But the book is very clear for advertisers for whom it was written (For
content creators a bit less, since we need to interpret it) and there is also an awesome exercise at it’s end, so I’ll rate it a 5/7
Providing Actual Specific Details
Can you actually apply the Ideas in the book without additional resources?
Answer: You most definitely can. I have, and made exercises for you, so that you can too in the main post! 7/7
4. Examples
How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: All the time. I did not feel I was left unsatisfied by any of them. 20/20
5. Content
How interesting/useful was the content?
Answer: After reading lots of marketing books, this book still had some new insights for me, it has lots of examples, and is generally interesting 17/20
Final Rating

Narration – None/None
Plot – 20/20
Heading Distribution – 12/20
Drive for Implementation – 18/20
Examples – 20/20
Content – 17/20
Final Rating – 87/100
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