Advanced affiliate marketing playbook – Graham Fisher

Hey Champions, this is a review of The Advanced Affiliate Marketing Playbook.
I have decided to listen the first of my audiobooks to acquire Specialized Knowledge ( One of the principles in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich ). So without further ado let’s jump into the decision process 🙂

Decision process

I chose it by three out of four parameters recommended by Patrick In the video I have posted earlier
1. Author – The only Info about him I found was on amazon. Graham Fisher
2. Subject – The subject of affiliate marketing is of interest to me and I wish to make It my primary Income source
3. Reviews – Audible has 150 reviews of It with an average score of 5.0
4. Credibility – The only Info about the author I found was on Amazon so I didn’t find it that credible ( I would like to see info about him on at least one more site to know he actually exists ) But I decided to take the risk.

My experience of the Advanced Affiliate Marketing Playbook

So after reading it here’s my general experience of it:

If you are interested in the subject It seems to be an overall good start, but is surely not a complete thorough guide on marketing.

It is a book that should be read ( or listened ) and applied simultaneously.
Otherwise the terms and things taught there will be quickly forgotten, so make notes as you read It and apply right after the listening session.

Because to be honest, allthough I did learn some new info and applied it, I feel like I still didn’t use all the knowledge and didn’t quite comprehend the book even after listening to it two times straight, I might be required to listen to It for the third time in the manner described, but then I don’t have much experience with books yet.

Summing up 

Bottom line, After I have listened to my first Specialized Knowledge audiobook It appears that those kind of books are a lot better read than listened to.

Please let me know if you found my review helpful and as always, keep up the grind, and don´t give up 🙂

Acquiring Options

Sponsored links:
Book on amazon
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Book on Thriftbooks 
Book on AbeBooks 

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