Should You Read Lazy Mans Way To Riches? (82/100)

Should you read/listen to this book?

The lazy mans way to riches bookcover
joekarbo 576


I only listened to a little bit of the book in audio format and read the rest, so I’m not rating “Narration” this time.


Is there a storyline? How connected is one Idea to the one before it?

Answer: As usual, it is not a fiction book so it’s not a story exactly. Nonetheless, I did not feel the plot was out of sequence or in other words, it had a logical order. 20/20

Heading Distribution

When I read the heading, can I recall the contents?
Answer: Out of 17 headleines, 12 remembered clearly, 3 remembered very partially, 2 did not remember  16/20

Drive For Implementation

How much does the book push you to apply its contents? 11/20


Does it use images or other resources to transfer it’s message?
Answer: The only visual provided was the daily tracking sheet, and perhaps the accounting form, though it is not exactly a traditional image if i didn’t miss anything.  2/6

Direct Calls to Action

How often does the author prompt you to apply the ideas in the book?
Answer: The first book is all exercises and implementation(first part\0) The second part contains detailed guides, but there ae not a lot of direct prompts to implementatopn 4/6

Providing Actual Specific Details

Can you actually apply the Ideas on the book without additional resources?
Answer: This book is very detailed, really! If I were reading it in 1973 it would probable be superextrafantastic
but today, a lot of it is already irrelevant =/ 5/7


How often are examples provided to explain a point, and how well do they portray the ideas?
Answer: A clear cold 10, he’s a master of exaamples it seems 20/20


How interesting/useful was the content overall?
Answer: I took action on the first part of the bppppook, where he proovided very specific exercises, the second paty w part was harder, since it is outdated in many parts, and lacks direct prompts, at least no as direc t asthe first part, that;s for sure.  Nonetheless, it was quite interesting to read, and maybe down the road the subconscious of mine will find a way to translate the instructions of 1973 to today 🙂 15/20

Final Rating


Plot – 20/20
Heading Distribution – 16/20
Drive for Implementation – 11/20
Examples – 20/20
Content – 15/20

Final Rating

4 Self-Improvement Books That Rocked My World

If you’re in search of an awesome book, but afraid to make a mistake and be stuck with a useless one – This
PDF is just for you. It lists 4 books that definitely made a long lasting impact in my life (I finished them a few years ago).

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