These are the 4 actions you need to take, no matter which business
you are in to get “everything in life you want”, according to Joe Karbo’s “The Lazy Mans Way To Riches”.

How do you get what you want, without knowing what you want?
You don’t.
That’s why this action starts by writing your goals.
3 Lists of Things You Want or Need
List 1: If you had infinite money what things would you “need” paid?
E.G. Bills Paid, New suit, Dental Work
List 2 is quite similar, the difference being that these are things you want and not necessarily need,
E.G. Mercedes Benz, A 250,000$ home, 500,000$ in the bank.
List 3 is personality traits,
E.G. Honesty, Persistence, Decisiveness.
But these are not specific enough, that’s why we’re given
A Checklist for Goal Development
We should adjust or remove some goals according to the checklist Joe provides us.
E.G. Is it expressed in total detail? “a brand new, black Mercedes, Model 380SLC with ______ etc.
Once you’re done what is left is to start repeating the goals at least twice daily.
2. Super Suggestion
Super suggestion is a bit like daily suggestions but a lot stronger.
It requires us to reach our subconsciousness in a concentrated session.
Unlike daily declarations here we focus on 1 goal only, which must be an intangible, a personality trait (not material).
It needs to be written in great detail. Once you wrote it down you begin the process.
The process
1. Go to a quiet, dark place and read your declaration completely.
As you do it, remember 2 or 3 key words.
2. Relax your body. Then, count to 20.
3. Repeat the key words silently to yourself to plant the declaration in your subconscious
4. Count back from 20 to 1, imagining you will feel extremely invigorated as you come back.
Additional Notes
-This should help you achieve the desired trait very quickly
-It should preferably be done once a day, however, in some emergency cases like fear of the dentist or driver sleepiness it can and should be used for a 2-nd time too.
3. Use Your Subconscious In Three Ways
A. Silent Treatment
Improvement Pill Version
Silent treatment is some sort of meditation as far as I can tell. Personally, I have been doing meditations according to Improvement Pill’s two videos for more than 5 years now, and would highly suggest it. Nonetheless, we’re summarizing Joe’s book here so here are his 5 cents on the matter too 🙂
Joe Karbo Version (Benefits)
Silent treatment benefits:
1. Help the subconscious complete the work it didn’t finish during the night
2. Allows for hours of increased efficiency at the cost of a few minutes.
Now, you have likely already been performing some meditation, since you’re an Improvementor, but, just in case you haven’t, here are the performance instructions of this specific meditation in a table.
Action Type | Instruction |
Body Position | Sitting or Laying Down, Eyes Closed |
Thoughts | Imagine "Stepping away" from your body |
Duration | Open your eyes when you have an urge 5-20 minutes after beginning |
Frequency | Daily |
B. Unconscious Problem Solving
The Power of The Subconscious
"You make more decisions based on more information inputs ... in a half-hour drive than any flight to the moon."
The amount of decisions we humans make every moment is huge.
For example, when we need to scratch our nose we’re deciding
1. Whether we should scratch it.
2. Should we scratch with the back of the hand or a nail?
3. What’s the right trajectory to move our hand
All those are decided through our subconscious mind, so imagine how powerful we could be if we controlled it.
Well, here are some instructions to do just that in regards to decision-making.
How To Leverage Your Subconscious - 3 Steps
Write: Every day write one question. Start with “Shall I do this …”? E.G. Shall I replace olive with coconut oil in my nutrition plan?
Try: Try solving it yourself by writing the pros and cons of that move.
If you did that enough time to feel like your conscious mind fails in solving it, then.
Ask: Ask your subconscious for a solution by 4 o’clock or longer for a more complicated problem, then forget about it.
The answer will come pretty soon, you will know because you’ll feel a strong urge to apply it right away.
You then need to act on it quickly.
C. Applying Suggestions of The Unconscious
As you continue repeating the daily declarations and other exercises stated earlier
your U/C* will keep working and answers will keep popping out of “nowhere”.
Be alert and ready to be responsive to that idea. Don’t drop back into
the habit of putting ideas down as “impractical” or “daydreaming.
If you do it, the U/C’s frequency of suggesting solutions will drop.
4. Daily Tracking Of The Above
It is very important to perform the 3 above tasks every single day.
Tracking may help us do so, which is why Joe provides a daily tracking sheet,
however, what I did is use an app called “Loop Habit Tracker” (No affiliation) and you’re welcome to use it too.
You may of course use any other alternative, E.G. piece of paper or another app.
Accompanying Detailed FILLABLE Workbook
While the blog post is just an overview, the workbook completes it where it lacks so that you may apply what you’ve learned with ease. You say you’re ready to start taking action? Then this workbook is designed exactly for you.