Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

Say hello to Napoleon Hill’s masterpiece! Think and Grow Rich.
I have read it approximately a year ago and it has been accompanying me ever since!
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This book has been written by Napoleon after researching 500 of America’s richest people for 25 years! In the book, he points out the 13 principles that were shared by these people according to his research, which includes people such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford and others.

Think and Grow Rich is considered one of the best personal development book  s of all times and sold more than 100 million copies from 1937 when it was written until 2015.

After finishing it, it prompts you to read certain parts in it over and over. Therefor it keeps guiding me even long after I have finished it. It helped and helps me put clarity into my life and have a clear objective. It constantly reminds me of the importance of auto suggestion – which is one of the principles described in the book. 

I’m already planning my wealth, join me on the journey!


If you liked this book suggestion, be sure to check out my audiobook reviews category!


Stay the best you can! Cheers!

Bonus: 3 Signs That You Will Become Rich One Day

Here’s a video that describes 3 common characteristics that rich people have in common, keep hustling and enjoy the video 🙂

Think and Grow Rich - Acquiring options

I got the physical book and recommend it. Although you could also get the audio version for free. 

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