Youtube Marketing Tricks book in 3 parts: Basics, Marketing, and Income Review. How bad was it?

Since I’ve recently opened a YouTube channel, it hasn’t seen a lot of growth. So, I picked one of the first books on marketing I found on Audible about YouTube.
It’s full name is YouTube Marketing: Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Learn YouTube Marketing, Tips & Secrets to Growth Hacking Your Channel in 2019 and Building Profitable Passive Income Business Online (UK)(US) 
Pheeew, that was long… 
It might have been a mistake though… Or has it?
Keep reading for the full detailed description of the contents and rating of each chapter or just skip to the conclusion, to see my general opinion and summary rating of the book on a 1 to 100 scale.

youtube marketing Audio-book cover with YouTube symbol and a human hand pushing the play symbol inside it

Table of Contents

Book Table of Contents

Chapter 1 – Amazon Summary (01:16)
Chapter 2 – Books 3 parts (01:35)
Chapter 3 – Introduction: History of YouTube (03:20)

Chapter 4 – Why YouTube marketing? (04:53)
Chapter 5 – Basics of YouTube (03:52)
Chapter 6 – Types of Videos You Could Post On YouTube as a Business Owner (06:16)
Chapter 7 –  How to Create YouTube videos (04:57)

Chapter 8 – How to Make Your YouTube Channel Stand out (06:04)
Chapter 9 – How to Create a Successful YouTube Marketing Strategy (06:25)
Chapter 10 – Marketing Tools for YouTube. (07:55)
Chapter 11 – How to Rank Your Videos. (07:30)
Chapter 12 – How to Attract and Maintain Viewership on Youtube Channel (12:32)
Chapter 13 – How to Grow Your Channel Through Cross-Promotion and Collaborations (12:29)
Chapter 14 – How to Cross-Promote YouTube channel on Social Platforms. (07:13)
Chapter 15 – How to Use YouTube Live to Market Your Business. (04:38)
Chapter 16 – Mistakes to Avoid While Marketing on YouTube. (06:20)

Chapter 17 – Become a partner. (09:09)
Chapter 18 – Make money through youtube sponsorship (12:32)
Chapter 19 – Sell your own products using YouTube ads (12:36)
Chapter 20 – Earn from affiliate marketing on youtube (08:44)
Chapter 21 – Other income streams for youtubers (05:20)
Chapter 22 – Important metrics to track and improve performance of your videos (11:16)

Chapter 23 – Conclusion (00:59)
Chapter 24 – Suggestion on Passive Income Book (22:29)

Choice Process

I was just making the awesome PDF – 8 Audible ( What’s Audible? ) Moneysaving Tricks and Tips. And I had to spend the two credits remaining on my Audible account, and so I’ve picked 2 books. One on Social Media marketing, and this one on YouTube marketing.

I saw that
-This book is 3 hours long
-Written by two unknown authors.
(But then, from my experience those kind of specialized knowledge books on audible are written by unknown authors quite often.)
-On the subject of Marketing

I then read the summary on Amazon, and picked the book.


This book is about YouTube Marketing, Basics and Income Generating.

As mentioned earlier it is a Specialized knowledge book, and I think that I’m going to start looking for those in e-book format, because it’s digested a lot easier while reading, and there is no need to pause every few seconds.
with that said, let’s hop into it. I’ll be making a 1 to 5 rating to each chapter (20 chapters), according to my opinion therefor making a total of a 100 in summary.

My ratings are subjective and consist of how my experience was, they are not absolute and you might have a different experience, though I’ll do my best to provide the most value I can, so that you’ll get an objective image of the book.


Chapter 1 - Amazon Summary

I didn’t find it necessary to rate this chapter as this is just a copy paste of the Amazon Summary.

Chapter 2 - Book's 3 parts

This contains what we’ll get from the three parts of the book, I also didn’t find it necessary to Rate.

Chapter 3 - History of YouTube

Objective: Some key moments in the history of YouTube, described shortly. For Example: Who are the founders, and what was the first video to hit a billion views. Subjective: I’ve rated it (4/5) because it is interesting to listen about the history of a company that influences so many of us right now and, for the very least know it’s main turning points.

Part 1: YouTube Basics

Chapter 4 - Why YouTube Marketing?

Objective: Lots of statistics about why YouTube is a super influential social platform, and why it is worth marketing on it.

Subjective: In my opinion this is an unnecessary chapter because people who buy this book are already interested in knowing how to market, therefor they most probably have the why, and I do too. Therefor I rated it (2/5)

Chapter 5 - Basics of YouTube

Objective: Describing how to open your own channel and giving technical instructions on doing it.

Subjective: Though I had been running a channel for quite some time, and most of the basics here were Irrelevant, it did do me good to look into it briefly again as It turned out that I did miss some basic stuff like having a wallpaper, therefor (4/5)

Chapter 6 - Types of Videos You Could Post on YouTube as a Business Owner

Objective: Showing main categories of videos which you could post as a business owner, with elaboration in some cases on how to do a good video in that subject.

Subjective: I got a few tips on how to make Review videos in this book ( For example the rating Idea is from the book, from this chapter ) also posting a Trailer for the channel is something that slipped my mind. Learned two things here, therefor, easily (5/5)

Chapter 7 - How to Create YouTube videos

Objective: Needed Hardware + Software + Video Editing Basics

Subjective: Helpful for complete beginners, but I’m aware of most. Got a good reminder though that I might need an extra hard drive or cloud storage 🙂 Therefor (3/5)

Part 2: YouTube Marketing and Growth Hacks for Your Channel

Chapter 8 - How to Make Your YouTube Channel Stand Out

Objective: Tips on “Connecting” with your audience, improving SEO in video posting process, thumbnails, etc.

Subjective: Title and Description optimization suggestions are helpful here, could make difference in SEO. (5/5)

Chapter 9 - How to Create a Successful YouTube Marketing Strategy

Objective: This chapter is about the process before publishing the video and how the video should look, in order to be most attractive. Ideas such as: content bucket ( list of possible videos ) market research and CTA’s (Calls to action).

Subjective: Some of the Ideas are useful, but do not give an awe feeling, the other part is irrelevant, such as bucket list, as I’m currently only posting book reviews … (3/5)

Chapter 10 - Marketing tools for YouTube

Objective: 13 tools for YouTube marketing – Cool to Know about and get general Ideas about ’em but those are quite general explanations. (Strategies for Sales, Software that helps with SEO, CTR-Click Through Rate, Retention Rate)

Subjective: I believe a bit more stories could help digest the Ideas, those are just clean definitions (3/5)

Chapter 11 - How to Rank Your Videos

Subjective: Indeed every line here could help the video get rated higher and help with customer retention, though I knew some of it, all of those things are worth repeating, gold. (5/5)

Chapter 12 - How to Attract and Maintain Viewership on YouTube channel

Objective: Instructions on using YouTube cards, making a Trailer, and YouTube Marketing through contests. Subjective: Trailer is crucial, contests could also be helpful in the future but not as a small channel. There are contents here for beginner and advanced channels, making half of the content irrelevant in any case. Still letting me know about the trailer makes up for it 🙂 (4/5)

Chapter 13 - How to Grow Your Channel Through Cross Promotion and Collabs

Objective: Lots of details on the technicality of Cross-Promotions and Collaborations also Strategies, how to choose collaborators, who does what etc.

Subjective: For me, as a person who never had those cross-promotions and Collabs that is all new info. It could save lots of time if I won’t forget to use it when my channel grows 😀 (5/5)

Chapter 14 - How to Cross-Promote Your Channel on Social Platforms

Objective: This chapter is all about making a teaser

Subjective: I do not agree that a Teaser should be made upon every video release, as it is extremely time demanding, but I may try it in the distant future (3/5)

Chapter 15 - How to Use YouTube Live to Market Your Business.

Objective: Here it’s covered why you should try YouTube Live, and Tips on how to do it for the first time.

Subjective: I believe it might be really useful, but this should be in a book for advanced users, as I’m still not able to use it. (3/5)

Chapter 16 - Mistakes to Avoid While Marketing on YouTube

Subjective: Half of those mistakes I do regularly 😀 Good Reminder to avoid them, hope it sticks with me. (5/5)

Part 3: How to Generate Income from YouTube

Chapter 17 - Become a Partner

Subjective: Types of ADs that exist on google adwords, Targeting, attention to retention rate – Relevant.
YouTube Partnership tech instructions on starting and minimum requirements – Irrelevant. (3/5)

Chapter 18 - Make Money Through YouTube Sponsorship

Subjective: Those are fine tips if you’re looking for a sponsorship, not for starting out YouTubers though, and I’m not so sure I’m going to remember this book when I’ll meet the threshold… (3/5)

Chapter 19 - Sell Your Own Product Using YouTube Ads

Objective: Basically – How to make a Video campaign at Google Adwords + Tech instructions

Subjective: Very nice tips, including details on the contents of your Video AD and how to make it most effective, and how to optimize campaigns, the tech instructions are too much.. They could be found in google just by typing “how to start video campaign”. (4/5)

Chapter 20 - Earn From Affiliate Marketing on YouTube

Objective: How to start Affiliate Marketing, Tip on most sorts of affiliate videos and how to make them successful, also a few things you should not do.

Subjective: Though I’ve been quite some time in the area of affiliate there are a few things I’ve written down here to take into account, one point down because still, very general Ideas, no stories or anything. (4/5)

Chapter 21 - Other Income Streams for YouTubers

Objective: 4 Methods of Income streams, besides those mentioned earlier

Subjective: I wasn’t aware of any of those pretty much. Good chapter to enrich knowledge! (5/5)

Chapter 22 - Important Metrics to Track and Improve performance of your video.

Objective: Going over YouTube analytics and how to make the best out of it, with detailed explanations about lots of the metrics.

Subjective: Important data, though a quick browse through the analytics could have showed all those things by itself… (4/5)

Chapter 23 - 1 minute conclusion

I don’t think it is necessary rating it, as it is a 1 minute conclusion.

Chapter 24 - Suggestion on a book about Passive Income

I didn’t stay to listen to this one, as it is too general. And I already have a blog to work on 🙂

Final Rating and General Review

This book is a difficult read as it has almost no stories and lots of dry data, lots of which, even if you are near the computer you are not able to try out, because they require having a wide following on YouTube. As part of the same coin, there is lots of unimportant data no matter whether you are a beginner or advanced YouTuber (In case you are a beginner, you don’t need elaboration on advanced stuff, in case you are advanced, you don’t need basics). In my opinion the book was a difficult read, and I had to force myself to keep going as it had lots of dry terms, and almost no narratives or stories, but then, it is like that a lot of times with books of specialized knowledge. It should be used like more of a dictionary perhaps, in this case. ( To which you come back when you get stuck on something rather than a read – apply ). I think that the book should have been split into a book for beginners and a book for advanced YouTubers. And maybe with just a very short part going over the monetization for the beginners, and deleting the basics for the advanced version of the book. Or directing the readers to skip certain parts instead of advising them to read everything in any case. Summing up the rating of all the chapters Preface (4/5) Part 1 (14/20) Part 2 (36/45) Part 3 (25/30) the final score turns out to be 79/100 Though if I were to rate it according to my feeling it would be around -10 points lower.


All that said, I am finishing that Listen with some stuff I wish to apply. 
I’ll list a few key takeaways out of the many.

1. Don’t forget that eventually it is all supply and demand, don’t get too carried away with doing videos that you just like, if there is no consumer for it.
2. Best way to capture attention is to tell a story.
3. Give Reviews ratings ( 1 – 5, 1 – 100 ) in order to make the review more objective. 



Though I did have takeaways from this book, the reading was quite tough. 
It also had unnecessary parts in my opinion.
If you still want to try the book, you might want to try the e-Book version ( And tell me how it was ).

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